新关注 > 信息聚合 > E3 2021预计于线上举行 或将通过网络放出试玩Demo

E3 2021预计于线上举行 或将通过网络放出试玩Demo

E3 2021 is expected to be held online or released through the network demo

2021-02-09 09:47:53来源: 游戏时光

近日,主办方 ESA 向多家发行商发送了 E3 2021 的活动概述,其中提到今年的 E3 很可能以线上直播的方式举行。按照 ESA 的说法,E3 2021 将于 6 月 15 日至 17 日举行,在 6 月 14 日则会有时长 2 小时左右的展前发布会。由于本次 E3 很可能以线上直播的方式举办,ESA 希望能在开发者的配合下,通过网络放出游戏 Demo。去年,TGA 创始人 Geoff Keighley 因意见分歧,宣布退出 E3 并举办为期 4 个月的夏季游戏节线上活动。他向外媒表示,今年他依然不会参加 E3,而将要继续举办夏季游戏节。目前尚未确认有多少开发商和发行商会参加今年的 E3,ESA 表示他们正在和已知的参展厂商进行交流,更多信息将在不久后公布。受疫情影响,ESA 在去年 3 月宣布 E3 20

Recently, ESA, the organizer, sent an overview of E3 2021 to a number of publishers, which mentioned that this year's E3 is likely to be held online. According to ESA, E3 2021 will be held from June 15 to 17, and on June 14, there will be a pre exhibition press conference sometimes lasting about 2 hours. As this E3 is likely to be held online live, ESA hopes to release the game demo through the network with the cooperation of developers. Last year, Geoff Keighley, the founder of TGA, announced that he would quit E3 and hold a four month online event of summer game Festival due to different opinions. He told the media that he will not participate in E3 this year, but will continue to hold the Summer Games Festival. It has not yet been confirmed how many developers and publishers will participate in this year's E3. ESA said that they are communicating with known exhibitors, and more information will be announced in the near future. Affected by the epidemic, ESA announced E320 in March last year