新关注 > 信息聚合 > 彭博社:EA将在本周决定《圣歌》的命运


The EA will decide the fate of hymn this week

2021-02-09 10:14:39来源: 游戏时光

据彭博社报道,EA 将于本周晚些时候对《圣歌》的修复进度进行审查,对本作的未来做出最终决定。彭博社称,EA 或许已经不想继续投入资源维持《圣歌》的修复工作,因此他们将在本周对《圣歌》的翻修状况进行审查,并决定要扩大团队还是放弃该项目。据透露,目前有 30 名开发人员正在进行《圣歌》的修复工作,但工作室需要“至少三倍于此”的人员才能开发新内容并对游戏设计进行大改。《圣歌》在 2019 年发售后,因糟糕的设计和贫乏的内容等问题受到诟病。去年 2 月,开发商 BioWare 宣布,他们已经停止了之前计划的所有额外内容,投入于名为“圣歌 2.0”的大更新中,不过这项更新还要很久才能推出。彭博社就此事联系了 EA,但 EA 表示,公司不会对“谣言和猜测”发表评论。来源:gamesradar

EA will review the progress of the hymn's restoration later this week to make a final decision on the future of the work, according to Bloomberg. The EA may no longer want to invest resources to maintain the hymn's restoration work, so it will review the status of the hymn's renovation this week and decide whether to expand the team or abandon the project, according to Bloomberg. It is revealed that 30 developers are currently working on the restoration of the hymn, but the studio needs "at least three times as many" people to develop new content and make major changes to the game design. The hymn was launched in 2019 and criticized for its poor design and poor content. Last February, the developer BioWare announced that it had stopped all the extra content it had planned to put into a big update called hymn 2.0, but it would be a long time before it was launched. Bloomberg contacted EA on the matter, but EA said it would not comment on "rumors and speculation.". Source: GamesRadar