新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《英雄联盟》衍生RPG《破败王者:英雄联盟传奇》新预告公布


"League of heroes" derivative RPG "broken King: League of Heroes Legend" new notice announced

2020-11-01 00:05:37来源: 游戏时光

  Riot Forge 今日确认《英雄联盟:破败王者》即将到来,它是由《战神:夜袭》和《暗黑血统:创世纪》的开发商 Airship Syndicate 所开发的一款单人回合制 RPG,目前官方公布了一段新的宣传片。  在游戏中,玩家们可以扮演厄运小姐、海兽祭祀、血港鬼影、疾风剑豪等英雄在黑雾弥漫的比尔吉沃特展开冒险。简单来说就是控制一支由《英雄联盟》里角色组成的队伍,自由配置阵容。  本作将于 2021 年年初登陆 Switch、PlayStation 4、Xbox One 以及 Steam 和 Epic Games Store,同时游戏还提供免费的次世代版本升级。更多细节,得到 12 月份才会透露。来源:Nintendo Everything

Riot & amp; nbsp; forge today confirmed that League of Heroes: the broken king is coming. It is a single round RPG developed by airship syndicate, the developer of Ares: Night strike and Diablo blood: Genesis. Now it has officially released a new promotional video. In the game, players can play the role of Miss doom, sea beast sacrifice, ghost of blood harbor, sword hero of swift wind and other heroes to take an adventure in the black fog filled bilgiwater. In short, it is to control a team composed of the characters in league of heroes and configure the lineup freely. The game will be launched in switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox one, steam and Epic Games stores in early 2021, with free next-generation upgrades. More details will not be revealed until December. Source: Nintendo everything

标签: 英雄联盟