新关注 > 信息聚合 > 一加宣布推出一加8T《赛博朋克2077》限定版手机


Yijia announced the launch of Yijia 8t cyberpunk 2077 limited edition mobile phone

2020-10-15 15:17:16来源: 游戏时光

  在今天的一加 8T 新品发布会上,一加宣布将推出一加 8T《赛博朋克2077》限定手机。该限定机预售将于 11 月 4 日开启。   CD Projekt 表示,本次联动仅限限定版手机上的合作,一加手机并没有在《赛博朋克 2077》正式版游戏内植入合作。目前也没有移动版《赛博朋克 2077》的开发计划。  

At today's one plus 8t new product launch, one plus announced that it will launch one plus 8t "cyberpunk 2077" limited mobile phone. The pre-sale of the restricted machine will start on November 4. &Amp; nbsp; CD Projekt said that this linkage is only limited to the cooperation on the limited version of mobile phone, and Yijia mobile phone has not implanted cooperation in the official version of cyberpunk 2077. At present, there is no development plan for the mobile version of cyberpunk 2077.