新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《非一般职场》抢先体验版10月27日登陆Steam


The first experience version of "non ordinary workplace" landed in steam on October 27

2020-10-15 16:44:36来源: 游戏时光

  机迷工作室宣布,他们开发的策略养成卡牌游戏《非一般职场》将在 10 月 27 日以抢先体验的形式上架 Steam,官方也放出了本作的全新预告。视频地址  本作是一款职场题材卡牌战斗策略养成游戏,玩家们可以在游戏内通过卡牌战斗击败内心负面情绪化身的「意兽」,体验到从初入职场到出任 CEO 走上人生巅峰的职场生涯。  「意兽」的灵感来自职场中各种真实的困难与情绪,玩家需要不停提升自己的职场能力,通过「情商、智商、管理、健康、悟性」等五大维度的提升,获取更多代表职场能力和个人能力的卡牌,并借助「领悟」的游戏系统提升这些能力,才能战胜这些职场道路上的拦路虎。  工作之外,玩家在繁忙的工作之余也需要兼顾生活。玩家可以选择自己喜欢的 NPC 进行攻略,提升好感度,最终找到属于自己的人生伴侣,结婚生子,配合上游戏的继承系

Fans' Studio announced that its strategy development card game "extraordinary workplace" will be launched on October 27 in the form of preemptive experience. Steam also released a new preview of the game. Video address this work is a career theme card fighting strategy development game. Players can defeat the "beast of mind" who is the embodiment of negative emotions through card fighting in the game, and experience their career from entering the workplace to becoming CEO. The inspiration of "anime" comes from all kinds of real difficulties and emotions in the workplace. Players need to constantly improve their workplace abilities. Through the improvement of five dimensions of "EQ, IQ, management, health, and Savvy", they can get more cards representing their workplace abilities and personal abilities, and use the game system of "understanding" to improve these abilities, so as to overcome these career paths A roadblock on the road. In addition to work, players also need to take care of life after busy work. Players can choose their favorite NPC for strategy, improve their liking, finally find their own life partner, get married and have children, and cooperate with the inheritance of the game

标签: Steam