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不会分手了!《胡闹厨房 全都好吃》辅助模式公开

I won't break up! The auxiliary mode of "the kitchen is all delicious"

2020-10-15 14:16:38来源: 游戏时光

  香港代理商 GSE 公布了《胡闹厨房 全都好吃》中增加的辅助模式及辅助功能的相关信息。该作将于 PS5 及 Xbox Series X/S 上推出。  《胡闹厨房 全都好吃》收录了《胡闹厨房》及《胡闹厨房2》的所有内容,并且会以一个完全混合及升级的形式呈献,提供 4K 分辨率、60fps、全面跨平台玩家网上联机合作、追加全新关卡,还将会引入全新的辅助模式及辅助功能。 《胡闹厨房 全都好吃》辅助模式与易用性功能介绍辅助模式  辅助模式新增的元素将让玩家们可以定制自己的游戏体验,尤其是为新玩家或年幼的玩家量身定做,或者纯粹希望能静静地享受烹饪乐趣的朋友。在开始游戏时,可以选择是否启动辅助模式。辅助模式有提供以下选项:增加关卡时间增加所获得的分数增加食谱制作的时间  玩家还可以自由选择开启

GSE, a Hong Kong agent, announced the information about the auxiliary mode and auxiliary functions added in the "all delicious nonsense kitchens". It will be available on ps5 and Xbox series X / s. "Monkey kitchen all delicious" includes all the contents of "monkey kitchen" and "monkey kitchen 2", and will be presented in a completely mixed and upgraded form, providing 4K resolution, 60fps, comprehensive cross platform online cooperation, adding new levels, and introducing new auxiliary modes and functions. &Introduction to the auxiliary mode and ease of use features of "all the kitchens are delicious" auxiliary mode the new elements of auxiliary mode will allow players to customize their own game experience, especially for new players or young players, or friends who just hope to enjoy the fun of cooking quietly. At the beginning of the game, you can choose whether to start auxiliary mode. Auxiliary mode provides the following options: increase the level time, increase the score, increase the time of recipe making, players can also choose to open