新关注 > 信息聚合 > E3 2015:《辐射4》今年11月10日降临!B社发布会..

E3 2015:《辐射4》今年11月10日降临!B社发布会..

E3 2015: "radiation 4" is coming in November 10th! B Agency Conference Sina..

2015-06-15 13:54:04来源: 新浪

北京时间,2015年6月15日上午10点,E3 2015游戏展正式拉开大幕,打头阵的就是携《辐射4》登场的Bethesda。而四款游戏大作和之前的猜测完全一致:《DOOM》、《耻辱2》、《上古卷轴OL:终极版》、以及《辐射4》。 下面电玩君按照发布会顺序带来文字版汇总,包括游戏的发售...

Beijing time, in 2015 June 15 at 10 o'clock in the morning, 2015 E3 game show officially opened the curtain, DaTouZhen is carrying the radiation 4 "is taken to the threshing ground Bethesda. And the four games and previous speculation completely consistent: DOOM, "the shame of 2", "the ancient scroll OL: the ultimate edition," and "radiation 4". Video game Jun follow the conference sequence to bring text version of the summary, including the sale of the game...