新关注 > 信息聚合 > Bruno退出DOTA圈 玩家猜测是冰娃真身

Bruno退出DOTA圈 玩家猜测是冰娃真身

Bruno quit dota community players guess is ice baby Mami

2015-05-15 17:35:16来源: 游久网


recently, foreign famous commentary Bruno announced to withdraw from the circle of dota2, turn to the valve as a software engineer, as the juxtaposition of the DOTA community for many years the Oprah, nature has many fans loathe to give up. However, the focus of foreign friends not in the "retired" but will Bruno and ice frog IceFrog together, many netizens guess Bruno is always elusive "dota" father of icefro...

标签: 玩家 DOTA