新关注 > 信息聚合 > 外练内修方为武《九阴真经》手游武学特色介绍


The repair practice outside the party for the "Wu jiuyinzhenjing" Mobile Games martial arts features

2015-05-05 15:01:28来源: 逗游网

武功讲究内修外练。内修在前,可见内修为基础,要先习得基础,打牢根基,真正的上乘功夫才能得心应手。内修催动外练,使拳脚,兵器的功夫更加变幻、强大。 《九阴真经》手游汲取端游精髓,庞大的玩法体系中也隐含内修和外练两种武学思维。内修顾名思义内功修炼,向内体悟,外练则是武学套路的研习。两相结...

exquisite martial arts funny repair practice outside. Before the repair, repair the visible as the foundation, the first acquisition basis, and lay a solid foundation, the real superior effort can be handy. The repair pushed outside the practice, the fist, Kung Fu, more powerful weapons. "9" Mobile Games draw end tour essence, play a huge system also includes two kinds of repair and practice outside the martial arts thinking. Repair as practicing internal strength, inward understanding, practice outside is martial arts routine study. Two node...

标签: 手游