新关注 > 信息聚合 > 靠漂移让自己走得更远 赛车游戏《超级漂移》要一..

靠漂移让自己走得更远 赛车游戏《超级漂移》要一..

Let yourself go further by drift racing game "super drift" to a..

2015-04-24 12:32:24来源: 任玩堂

现在不少赛车游戏都带有华丽的外貌,但游戏性到底如何则是另一回事了。但这些对于制作小游戏的开发商来说并不重要,制作出一款简单易玩的赛车游戏就足够了。由 Chillingo 制作的 Mega Drift《超级漂移》就符合了上述条件。 游戏的目的十分简单,就是要玩家控制汽车,在规定的时间内看...

now many racing game with gorgeous appearance, but the game in the end how is another matter. But these for the production of small game developers is not important, make a simple and easy to play racing game enough. Produced by the Chillingo Mega Drift "super drift" is in line with the above-mentioned conditions. The purpose of the game is very simple, is to control the game player, within the prescribed period of time to see...

标签: 游戏