新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《刀塔传奇》地穴领主难度8通关攻略


"Turret legend" the Crypt Lord difficulty 8 III

2015-04-24 16:40:25来源: TechWeb

地穴领主是刀塔传奇预言之池中的一个BOSS,当难度达到8之后想要通关还是很困难的,下面蚕豆网小编就为大家带来刀塔传奇地穴领主难度8通关攻略。 要点:卡先知黑屏,算是最简单的一个BOSS了。 卡黑屏的意思就是先放先知大,然后先知跳起来以后,修补在放,冰魂-小浣熊-蓝胖(死灵)。一个接一...

the Crypt Lord is a BOSS turret legend prophecy in the pool, after the difficulty to reach 8 to customs clearance is still very difficult, the broad bean net small for everyone to bring a knife tower legend Crypt Lord difficulty 8 clearance strategy. The prophet: black card points, is one of the most simple BOSS. Card black means to put the prophet, after then he jumped up, repair on ice, soul - small raccoon - Blue fat (Si Ling). One by one...