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一路“佟”行 《黑夜传说之狼人归来》据点玩法解说

A way of "Tong" for "werewolf" Underworld returned stronghold

2015-04-24 17:20:42来源: 不凡游戏网

在古老的摩尔根大地上,弥漫着古来的气息,孕育着一场吸血鬼与狼人的千年之争!2015真3D全民动作手游《黑夜传说之狼人归来》再度掀起一阵斗争狂潮,在这汇集万千的狼人勇士,军团系统更是游戏玩家实力的见证,军团之下见证进击的力量,据点玩法一触即发,人气女明星与你一路佟行! 《黑夜传说之狼人...

in ancient the earth, filled with ancient flavor, brewing a vampire and werewolf Millennium battle! 2015 true 3D universal action Mobile Games werewolf "Underworld" return once again set off a frenzy in the struggle, bringing together thousands of werewolf warrior, the Legion system is a game player strength of the witness, witness the power of the Legion under the onslaught, stronghold play be triggered at any moment, popular female star with you all the way to the Tong line! "The legend of the werewolf...