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"Dream of the Three Kingdoms" in April 23rd 2 large area update log

2015-04-24 19:05:07来源: 新浪

亲爱的仙术士: 梦三国 2全新版本携失心绿魔来袭!本次版本更新主要为您带来了文丑全新换装失心绿魔,更丰厚的每周福利,华容生死道上助战的诸多道具,以及英雄、道具的平衡性调 整;同时,我们接受了很多仙术士的反馈,修复了BUG、调整了界面,希望可以给您带来更好的体验,我们也非常欢迎您的建议与...

dear immortal Warlock: the dream of the Three Kingdoms 2 new versions of articles lost heart Green Goblin attack! The text brings new facelift lost heart green this version of the update for you, more generous weekly benefit, many props on Huarong road and war hero, props, and the balance adjustment; at the same time, we received feedback on many immortal warlock, repair, adjust the BUG interface, the hope can give bring you a better experience, we also welcome your suggestions and...