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就是这么牛气 《画江山》那些让你恃“宠”而骄的..

"Jiangshan" painting is so arrogant that make you rely on their "pet"..

2015-04-24 18:54:24来源: 电玩巴士

在《画江山》中,评价一个玩家的实力强弱不仅要看玩家自身的实力,还要看玩家所携带的宠物是否强大。因此在游戏中,拥有一只能力超强的宠物更是会成为玩家们相互炫耀的资本。今天,我们就一起来盘点一下游戏中那些让玩家们恃“宠”而骄的宠物们吧! 来自地狱的使者,游荡在隐雾山中的亡灵——鬼使 玩...

"painting" in the country, the evaluation of a game player's strength not only depends on the game player's strength, but also the game player carrying the pet is strong. Therefore, in the game, have a strong ability of pets will become game player who are bragging. Today, we went to check the game that game player who relies on the "pet" their pets! Angels from hell, wandering in the hidden fog Mountain -- the play dead...