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像素风 《勇者逗饿龙》别siao死了

Xiang Sufeng "the dragon" don't die with Siao

2015-04-24 13:08:21来源: 4399

现在的手游都是越来越趋向于重度ARPG,甚至都快赶超端游了,累觉不爱,原本只是想休闲娱乐下而已。而《勇者逗饿龙》真的是本着用户的初衷去设计的一款休闲搞笑的策略RPG手游,里面300多个动漫角色,古今豪杰,中外英雄,社会人物大乱斗,奇葩的英雄造型及夸张的技能设计绝对让你忍俊不禁。 《勇者...

now Mobile Games is tend to become more and more severe ARPG, or are going to catch up to the end of the tour, tired didn't love, originally just want to leisure and entertainment. "The dragon" and make it is in line with the user's intention to design a casual fun strategy of RPG Mobile Games, inside more than 300 cartoon characters, ancient and modern Chinese and foreign social character hero, hero, hero of the battle, flower shape and exaggerated skills absolutely make you laughing. "The brave...