新关注 > 信息聚合 > 徐志高:郑爽代言《热血仙境》目标群是90后


Xu Zhigao: Zheng Shuang endorsement "Wonderland" blood target group is 90

2015-04-24 14:14:59来源: 新浪

2015年4月24日,由全球移动游戏联盟主办的第四届全球移动游戏大会(GMGC2015)在国家会议中心正式拉开帷幕。大会主题为“2020,岂止未来!”,旨在探索下一个五年中,移动游戏的多元化发展机遇,以及在移动终端、智能硬件等设备将会发生革命性进化的同时,世界游戏产业的发展新命题。 3...

2015 year in April 24th, organized by the global mobile gaming alliance of the fourth global mobile game Conference (GMGC2015) at the National Conference Center was officially opened. The theme of the conference is "more than 2020, the future!" In order to explore, in the next five years, mobile games diversified development opportunities, and at the same time the revolutionary evolution in the mobile terminal, intelligent hardware and other equipment will be the new development of the world, the proposition of the game industry. 3...