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无妹不撸 珍惜《英雄联盟》中的萌妹子

No sister do not roll up treasure "hero alliance" in

2015-04-15 22:42:17来源: IT168

【IT168 资讯】谁说萌妹子在《英雄联盟》的世界里就不能狂舞杀戮?!说不定几个回合下来,你才发现萌妹子原来就是无数个夜晚崇拜的撸女神和王者。正是因为不断有萌妹子加入到LOL,才让那么多男屌的网游生活变的多姿多彩,在英雄联盟的世界里,众多男屌更是“带妹狂魔”,哪怕输一整天也丝毫没有打消他...

[information] adorable sister IT168 who can't dance adorable sister kill heroes union "in" the world?! maybe a few rounds down, you will find adorable sister was the countless nights worship of the goddess and the king lu. It is because there are adorable sister to join LOL, let so many male cock's online life rich and colorful, in the league in the world, many male cock is "sister spree", even lose a day did not discourage him...

标签: 英雄联盟