新关注 > 信息聚合 > 黑猫警长2手游强化系统解析 装备怎么强化

黑猫警长2手游强化系统解析 装备怎么强化

Black cat Sheriff 2 Mobile Games strengthening system analytical equipment how to strengthen

2015-04-08 20:59:08来源: 4399

大家都知道,装备强化能提高装备属性,进而提高人物战力,黑猫警长2手游要怎样进行装备强化呢?装备强化要注意什么呢?下面就由小编我给大家介绍一下吧。 ▍装备强化 强化装备需要强化石和货币,根据装备等级的不同需要的强化石也不尽相同,1~20级的装备需要用初级强化石,21~40级的装备要用中...

we all know, strengthen the equipment can improve the property and equipment, and improve the people fighting, black Sergeant 2 Mobile Games how equipment to strengthen the equipment to strengthen? What should notice? Following on from the small I introduce it to everyone. Man needs to strengthen the equipment to strengthen the equipment to strengthen the stone and currency, according to the different levels of equipment need strengthen the stone are not the same, 1~20 equipment needs to be strengthened with the primary stone, 21~40 level and equipment to be used in...

标签: 手游