新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《幽浮》手游悄然测试,仅在部分地区可用


"Youfu" mobile game quietly tested, only available in some areas

2021-07-18 13:11:40来源: 游戏时光

2K 悄悄上线了回合制 RPG 手游《幽浮 传奇》(XCOM Legends),本作由 Iridium Starfish 发行,登陆安卓和 iOS 平台,目前仅在部分地区开启抢先体验。据介绍,《幽浮 传奇》是一款全新的移动回合制 RPG 。玩家将控制地球上最后的抵抗组织 XCOM ,从残暴的外星入侵者 ADVENT 手中夺回地球,游戏包含战役模式以及 PvP 模式。在战役模式中,玩家将面对外星人一波又一波的攻潮。而在 PvP 模式中,玩家将招募新的英雄去对抗“受外星人控制”的敌方,同时还有更多 PvP 模式等待玩家解锁。游戏也包含每日挑战以及特定英雄的“战役故事”。视频地址来源:Eurogamer

2K quietly launched the turn based RPG mobile game "XCOM Legends", which is released by iridium starfish and landed on Android and IOS platforms. At present, it has only opened the preemptive experience in some regions. According to reports, "UFO legend" is a new mobile round RPG. Players will take control of XCOM, the last resistance organization on the earth, and take back the earth from the brutal alien invader advance. The game includes campaign mode and PvP mode. In campaign mode, players will face waves of alien attacks. In PVP mode, players will recruit new heroes to fight against "alien controlled" enemies, while there are more PVP modes waiting for players to unlock. The game also includes daily challenges and "battle stories" for specific heroes. Video address source: eurogamer

标签: 手游