新关注 > 信息聚合 > 10强争霸,全程直播!全民战队公开赛“淘汰赛”即将开启


Top 10, live broadcast! The "knockout" of the national team open is about to open

2021-07-23 11:36:57来源: 游戏时光

由腾讯主办的国内首个《马力欧赛车8 豪华版》官方战队赛事——全民战队公开赛“常规赛”阶段现已结束。在第三周的比赛日中,16 支战队各显身手。以下为目前战队们的晋级情况,以及比赛中的一些精彩画面。“常规赛”第三周战报 在常规赛中,16 支战队经过 56 场比赛,10 支战队顺利进军淘汰赛。现在,他们将来到上海,展开线下角逐。淘汰赛将于 7 月 23 日—7 月 25 日(本周五至周日)进行,每天 18:30 开始,全程直播。此外,7 月 28 日—7 月 30 日(下周三至周五)每天 18:30 起,16 支由各大直播平台、媒体与玩家社区组建的战队还将为大家带来“邀请赛”。

The "regular season" stage of the national team open, the first official team event of "Mario racing 8 luxury edition" in China hosted by Tencent, has now ended. In the third week's competition day, 16 teams showed their skills. The following is the promotion of the teams and some wonderful pictures in the game“ Report of the third week of the regular season

标签: 直播