新关注 > 信息聚合 > 在追逐奖杯的道路上,痛并快乐着


On the road of chasing trophies, I feel pain and happiness

2021-09-03 17:47:00来源: 触乐

每次靠近汽车旅馆的停车场,空气中都会弥漫着橡胶燃烧的味道。我用力转动车把,让摩托车做好漂移准备,然后启动氮气加速。虽然轮胎发出了抗议般的尖叫声,但这次一定要成功。5秒、4秒、3秒、2秒......突然之间,一只僵尸猛地朝我冲来,将我扑倒在柏油路上。 我正在玩《往日不再》(Days Gone),这是一款末世题材的开放世界动作冒险游戏,玩家则扮演一名摩托车手。我希望在游戏中完成全奖杯收集,现在只剩最后一个还没到手,也就是“耗竭末日”(The Apocalypse Burnout)——你需要同时开氮气和漂移持续至少5秒,难度相当大。做了半小时无用功后,我放弃了,开始在网上找攻略。 与Steam或Xbox平台上的成就系统类似,PlayStation中的奖杯是对玩家的奖励,

Every time near the parking lot of a motel, the air is filled with the smell of burning rubber. I turned the handlebar hard to prepare the motorcycle for drift, and then started nitrogen acceleration. Although the tire screamed like a protest, it must succeed this time. 5 seconds, 4 seconds, 3 seconds, 2 seconds... Suddenly, a zombie rushed at me and threw me down on the asphalt road.