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防晒服 近八成不符防晒

Sunscreen suits nearly 80% of the discrepancies in the sun

2015-07-27 17:55:32来源: 大河网

入夏以来,高温天气使得防晒或防紫外线服装颇受青睐。近日,有关部门发布防紫外线服装抽检报告:经检测,仅有26.8%符合“防紫外线产品”要求,多数号称的“防紫外线”或“防晒”功能,仅仅是炒作概念、玩噱头,欺骗消费者。 据介绍,本次风险监测采用随机购样方式,共监测82批次样品,其中市售实体...

summer since, the hot weather the sun or UV clothing popular. Recently, the authorities released anti UV apparel sampling report: after testing, only 26.8% in line with the "anti UV products, known as the most" UV "or" sun "function, just the concept of speculation, playing a gimmick, deceive consumers. According to the introduction, this risk monitoring using a random sampling method, a total of monitoring 82 batches of samples, including market entities...