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College admission line to catch up with 8 months the two

2015-08-18 09:36:23来源: 人民网

■本报记者 万玉凤 见习记者 董鲁皖龙 8月17日发自北京 8月中下旬,各省份高考录取工作接近尾声,从录取方式和招生院校上看,今年出现了一些新变化。合并本科二、三批次录取、高职高专招录火爆、扩大...

] reporter Yu Feng Wan trainee reporter Dong Luwanlong 17 from the bottom of Beijing in late August. Each province college entrance examination enrollment draws to a close, from the point of view of admission and enrollment in colleges, this year there have been some new changes. Combined with the two or three batch of undergraduate admissions, college recruiting, hot expansion...