新关注 > 信息聚合 > 8GB DDR3跌至225元 硬盘价格小幅下跌

8GB DDR3跌至225元 硬盘价格小幅下跌

8GB DDR3 fell to 225 yuan hard disk prices fell

2016-01-25 06:10:37来源: 中关村在线

今日北京中关村英特尔处理器现货市场,英特尔处理器整体处于上涨趋势。第六代Skylake处理器 新奔腾G4500、i3 6300铺货上市,价格相当不菲,其中盒装i3 6300双核和散片i5 6400四...

Today, Beijing Zhongguancun Intel processor spot market, the Intel processor in a rising trend overall. Skylake new sixth-generation processor Pentium G4500, i3 6300 Distribution market, the price is quite cheap, which Packed i3 6300 dual-core and casual film i5 6400 four ...