新关注 > 信息聚合 > 福润广场被指南京江北“最大烂尾楼”


Furun square is refers to the Nanjing Jiangbei "uncompleted residential flats"

2015-11-19 04:15:03来源: 和讯网

这幢建筑施工停工已经有两年多 工地内并无人员施工 最近有南京(楼盘)市民反映,江北大道附近有一处建设中的广场,停工已有两年多。现代快报记者昨天实地探访,发现大楼主体已完工,但至今还没有复工迹象...

this building is a building construction shutdown has two multi site no construction personnel recently Nanjing (real estate) people reflect, Jiangbei Road near a building square, shut down more than two years. Modern Express reporter yesterday visits, found that the main building has been completed, but so far no signs of resumption of work...