新关注 > 信息聚合 > 守望先锋起源包明年春季发售!国服时间未定


Watch the pioneer of the origin package next year spring sale! National service time undetermined

2015-11-07 15:58:49来源: 4399

暴雪嘉年华正式开启!守卫先锋也有新的进展! 在2016年春季将会发售守望先锋的起源包(中国大陆发售日期待定)。关于这个包的新内容在今天的嘉年华也公布一起来看看吧! ▍ 起源包内容 类型: 6v6...

Blizzard Carnival officially opened! Guard the vanguard also have new progress! In the spring of 2016 will be on sale to watch the origin of the pioneer package (China mainland sale date to be determined). On the new content of the package in today's Carnival also announced a look at it! The origin of man package type: 6v6...

标签: 守望先锋