新关注 > 信息聚合 > 神秘的绒毛膜隆起:虽未知 但不可怕

神秘的绒毛膜隆起:虽未知 但不可怕

Mysterious chorionic uplift: although unknown, but not terrible

2016-01-04 22:35:07来源: 丁香园

绒毛膜隆起征是 2006 年首次由超声描述,表现为妊娠早期的绒毛膜蜕膜面向妊娠囊内的不规则凸起。患者通常并不表现症状或无特异性症状。由于发现率低,绒毛膜隆起的病因及预后目前仍未确定。来自美国的 Ar...

Chorionic uplift levy was first described in 2006 by the ultrasound, showing early pregnancy decidua facing pregnancy chorionic sac irregular protrusions. Patients usually do not show symptoms or nonspecific symptoms. Since the discovery rate, etiology and prognosis of human chorionic raised has not yet been determined. Ar from the United States ...