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合击觉醒续传奇 XY游戏《蓝月传奇》今日内测不删档

Continued punch awakening legend XY game "Blue Moon Legend" today does not delete files Niece

2016-04-06 16:57:15来源: 新浪

为传奇发一次烧!XY游戏《蓝月传奇》今日启动不删档内测!许久的等待,只为引爆这一刻的激情!经典的职业,火爆的英雄合击玩法,一定能够满足更多玩家对于传奇1.85版的渴求。更有超赞的十大内测活动,特惠礼包、等级竞技、全民Boss、全民精彩等所有精彩,所有福利,都将属于来参战的你! XY游...

Once for the legendary fat burning! XY game "Blue Moon Legend" launched today does not delete files Niece! Wait a long time, only to detonate passion for this moment! Classical career, popular hero punch gameplay, more players will be able to meet the desire for the legendary version 1.85. Ten more awesome Niece activities, special packs grade athletics, National Boss, all the people and all the wonderful exciting, all benefits, will belong to the war you! XY tour ...

标签: 游戏