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娱乐圈大咖痴迷网球 "歌神"张学友也是"球神"

Great coffee obsessed tennis entertainment "God of Songs" Jacky Cheung is also a "ball of God"

2016-04-02 08:25:24来源: 网易

说起娱乐明星,最直观的印象是哪部戏、哪首歌、哪段情……当然,还有现实生活中哪些狗血的桥段、剧情。不过,如果大家都如此武断,那肯定会误伤很多健康向上的娱乐明星,他们也有自己喜爱的体育运动,有的甚至为之痴迷,成为超级发烧友。 因一首《时间都去哪儿了》走红的川籍著名歌手王铮亮就是一位业余网球...

Speaking of entertainment stars, the most intuitive impression is what play, which song, which segment the situation ...... of course, in real life what the idea of ​​the plot, the plot. However, if we are so arbitrary, that will certainly be a lot harming healthy entertainment stars, they also have their favorite sport, and some even obsession, become super fans. Due to a "Where are all the time," Born in the famous popular singer Reno is an amateur tennis ...