新关注 > 信息聚合 > 口袋妖怪漆黑的魅影5闪光暴鲤龙和大力鳄哪个好?


Pokemon black phantom 5 flash storm carp dragon and feraligatr which good?

2015-01-22 20:58:58来源: 电玩巴士

问:口袋妖怪漆黑的魅影5闪光暴鲤龙和大力鳄哪个好? 答: 暴鲤龙无论是属性,物攻种族值,总体种族值都超过大力鳄,暴鲤龙是除了水系神兽外种族值最高的水系精灵,打对战的使用率暴鲤龙也超过了大力鳄

Q: Pokemon black phantom 5 flash storm carp dragon and feraligatr which good? Answer: Gyarados both attributes, physical attack racial values, the overall racial values all exceed feraligatr, Gyarados is in addition to water outer race value stream spirit animal the highest use of war, hit rate Gyarados also exceeded feraligatr