新关注 > 信息聚合 > 青年画家任大庆与他的山水画


The young painter as Daqing and his landscape painting

2015-01-19 12:13:59来源: 新浪

《晓风残月》 《心斋》 沈义贞 王嘉/文 任大庆是70后,是土生土长的扬州人,也是一位真正的艺术家。他先后毕业于苏州工艺美术学校绘画专业、南京艺术学院中国画专业与中国画论专业,2005年获...

"the morning breeze and the lingering moon" "Xinzhai" Wangjia / Shen Yizhen director of the Daqing is 70, is a native of Yangzhou, is a true artist. He graduated from the Suzhou School of fine arts of Nanjing Arts Institute professional painting, painting and painting Chinese professional Chinese professional, in 2005 won the...