新关注 > 信息聚合 > BMW"冰雪试驾"引擎轰鸣 距活动仅剩8天

BMW"冰雪试驾"引擎轰鸣 距活动仅剩8天

BMW "ice test" the engines roar from activity 8 days before

2014-11-28 16:14:39来源: 爱卡汽车网

2014 BMW纵情冰雪湿滑路面,彰显xDrive完美性能! 挑战不畏严寒,激情畅享驾驭,请持续关注 BMW“纵享冬日,激情驾驭”体验季——从容应对冰雪天地,驰骋银白跑道! 活动时间:201...

2014 BMW indulge in ice and snow slippery road, highlight xDrive perfect performance! The challenges are not afraid of cold, passion, enjoy the ride, please continue to pay attention to BMW "longitudinal enjoy winter, the master passion" experience season -- take time for ice and snow white runway, gallop! Activity time: 201...