新关注 > 信息聚合 > Apple Watch三季度出货390万排第二 小米第三

Apple Watch三季度出货390万排第二 小米第三

Apple watch three quarter shipments of 390 million row the second millet the three

2015-12-04 14:40:25来源: RFID世界网

摘要:北京时间12月4日消息,据科技博客AppleInsider报道,市场调研公司IDC周四发布了今年第三季度全球可穿戴设备市场统计报告。报告显示,苹果Apple Watch第三季出货量为390万块...

Abstract: Beijing time on December 4, according to the technology blog Appleinsider reported, IDC, a market research firm, on Thursday released the (Global wearable devices market statistics report) in the third quarter of this year. The report shows that Apple's Watch Apple third quarter shipments of 390...

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