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此次良心维护 NPC全部站位置顶

The conscience maintain NPC all station position top

2015-07-21 17:47:51来源: 17173

文章 摘要 维护后NPC全部站位置顶 记得几个月前的活动任务NPC就有采取这种方式,事实上几年前就有玩家建议,一个很人性化的修改,不需要多废时间和功夫,但拖了这么多年,不知道该表扬策划,还...

Abstract maintenance after NPC all station position top remember a few months ago of active tasks NPC have taken in this way, in fact a few years ago have players and a very human modification, does not need to waste time and Kung Fu, but dragged on for so many years, do not know the recognition of planning,...

标签: PC