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柳州:格桑花开 市民徜徉花海

Liuzhou: Ge Sanghua Guangxi news network

2015-10-02 23:13:27来源: 广西新闻网

美丽的花海令人流连。 广西新闻网记者 黄河畅摄 广西新闻网柳州10月2日讯(记者 黄河畅)格桑花鲜艳美丽,是不少人心目中的“幸福花”。2日下午,广西新闻网记者在柳州市君武森林公园看到,许多风姿绰约...

beautiful flowers is to hang around. Guangxi news network reporter the Yellow River Chang Guangxi news network Liuzhou October 2nd (reporter the Yellow River Chang) Ge Sanghua bright and beautiful, is a lot of people's minds in the flower of happiness". 2 afternoon, the Guangxi news network reporter saw in Forest Park city of Liuzhou Jun Wu, many charming appearance and personality...