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搭载国产麒麟OS 自主云计算集装箱诞生

With domestic kirin OS independent cloud computing container was born

2016-02-03 11:58:15来源: TechWeb

大数据时代,云计算中心成为很多企业的标配,而在移动互联网影响下,数据中心建设和应用的时间周期越来越短,很多基于集装箱设计的云计算中心开始出现。 集装箱式的云计算中心就是将服务器,存储系统和网络设备...

Big data era, cloud computing center become a standard for many companies, in under the influence of the mobile Internet, data center construction and application of shorter time period, a lot of cloud computing based on container design center began to emerge. Container type of cloud computing center is the server, storage systems and network devices...