新关注 > 信息聚合 > 蓝正龙要当爸爸了!证实爱妻怀孕3个月


Lan Ching Lung wants to be a father! Confirmed his wife pregnant 3 months

2015-01-11 17:51:56来源: 新浪

蓝正龙与周幼婷 新浪娱乐讯 据台湾媒体报道,蓝正龙[微博]和周幼婷去年5月登记,今天蓝正龙被发现带着老婆现身妇产科,周幼婷疑似传出有孕喜讯。媒体求证蓝正龙的经纪人比利,证实周幼婷已怀孕3个月,已...

LAN Zhenglong and Zhou Youting Sina entertainment news, according to Taiwan media reports, LAN Zhenglong [microblogging] and Zhou Youting last year was registered in May, today, blue was found with his wife appeared in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Zhou Youting suspected came news of the pregnancy. The media to verify Lan Ching Lung's agent Billy, confirmed that Zhou Youting has been pregnant for 3 months, has...