新关注 > 信息聚合 > 潍坊:800万购买商铺投资 开发商竟自作主张将土..

潍坊:800万购买商铺投资 开发商竟自作主张将土..

Weifang: 800 million to buy investment shops developers actually self assertion will buy presented in soil..

2015-11-08 23:16:59来源: 和讯网

崔先生记者出示了买房时签订的购房合同,上面加盖了开发商潍坊万华置业发展有限公司的公章。 自己买的房子,为什么会被别人抵押了呢,崔先生很费解 自己买的房子,为什么会被别人抵押了呢,崔先生很费解 ...

Mr. Choi reporters signed the purchase contract, affixed above the Weifang Wanhua developers, real estate development Co., Ltd., the company's official seal. Their own house, why would be other mortgage, Mr. Choi is very difficult to buy their own house, why they are being mortgaged, Mr. Choi is very difficult to understand...