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李敏镐金在中李钟硕 韩国男神长发发型PK

Lee Min Ho Kim Li zhongshuo Korean male god long hair PK

2015-08-04 10:21:43来源: 安徽电视台

长发可不只是女生的专利,很多男生也喜欢玩叛逆,留着长头发。那且来看看韩国男明星长发发型,谁的脸型百搭发型,才是真正的大帅哥,真男神。 金在中 近日入伍的在中oba的这款非主流男生长发,金黄色染发...

hair not only girl of a patent, a lot of boys like playing rebellious, with long hair. The Han Guonan star to have a look and hair style, who face all-match hair, is really handsome, true god. Kim Jaejoong recently enlisted in the oba of this non mainstream male hair, golden yellow hair...