新关注 > 信息聚合 > 南昌长沙合肥武汉公积金互认


Changsha Nanchang Hefei Wuhan provident fund mutual recognition

2014-12-20 07:40:10来源: 信息日报

本报南昌讯 信息日报记者秦谦报道:此前,住建部计划推动全国住房公积金缴存异地互认,方便异地工作居民申请公积金贷款买房,至今还没实施。19日,记者从南昌住房公积金管理中心了解到,根据长江中游城市群南昌...

Nanchang Information Daily newspaper reporter Qin Qian reports: previously, the housing ministry plans to promote the mutual recognition of national housing provident fund deposit in different places, convenient off-site work for the residents of provident fund loans to buy a house, have yet to implement. 19 days, reporters from Nanchang housing provident fund management center to understand, according to the middle reaches of Yangtze River group of Nanchang city...