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Felipe Anderson: next season leaving Lazio

2015-06-11 01:39:47来源: 华体网

据意大利媒体报道,巴西中场费利佩-安德森表示,他不会离开,下赛季将留在拉齐奥。 本赛季,安德森意甲攻进10球并有7次助攻,帮助拉齐奥晋级欧冠。这位22岁的中场受到诸多球队追求,包括曼联。不过,他表...

according to reports in the Italian media, Brazilian midfielder Felipe - Anderson said, he will not leave, next season will remain in Lazio. This season in Serie A, Anderson scored 10 goals and 7 assists, helping Lazio qualify for the Champions league. The 22 year old midfielder has been in pursuit of a number of teams, including Manchester united. However, he is...