新关注 > 信息聚合 > “百万行”将健康生活理念融入公益


"Millions of lines of" the concept of healthy living into the public

2014-12-12 06:49:13来源: 中国青年网

■ 深圳特区报记者 杨婧如 “‘公益金百万行’推崇了一种健康的生活方式,能够参加是我们的荣幸,以后也会继续坚持参加。”昨日上午,深圳市鹏瑞地产开发有限公司总经理郭东风一行来到深圳特区报业大厦,在...

- Shenzhen Special Zone Daily reporter Yang Jing as "millionperson 'praised the a healthy way of life, to participate in is our honor, later will also continue to adhere to." Yesterday morning, the general manager of Shenzhen pengrui Estate Development Co., Guo Dongfeng came to the Shenzhen Special Zone Press Tower, in...