新关注 > 信息聚合 > 鸽派耶伦变调门加息预期大增 黄金加速探底

鸽派耶伦变调门加息预期大增 黄金加速探底

Dove yellen tone change interest rates expected Gold accelerated dip

2016-05-28 02:45:16来源: 新浪

FX168讯 国际现货黄金周五(5月27日)在美联储主席耶伦于哈佛大学发表讲话后,短线反弹但跌势未改,美市盘中最低下探至1209.85美元/盎司,跌幅较上一日有所。美联储主席耶伦称未来几月加息可能是...

FX168 - international spot gold five (May 27) yellen, chairman of the federal reserve in a speech at harvard, but short-term rebound losses did not change, the city lowest intraday dip to $1209.85 an ounce, a decline from the previous day. Yellen said the next few months, chairman of the federal reserve to raise interest rates is likely to be...