新关注 > 信息聚合 > 首设国外购片场推出地铁动漫专列 杭州打造智慧动..

首设国外购片场推出地铁动漫专列 杭州打造智慧动..

The first set of foreign share studios launched special train to build Hangzhou subway animation wisdom dynamic..

2015-03-30 07:20:15来源: 浙江在线

浙江日报杭州3月29日讯 还有一个月,第十一届中国国际动漫节就将再次登陆杭城。在今天举行的倒计时30天活动上,组委会透露了本届动漫节的安排与亮点。 今年动漫节将于4月28日至5月3日举行,以“国...

Zhejiang daily Hangzhou March 29th is a month, the Eleventh Chinese International Animation Festival will once again landed in hangzhou. Held today in the 30 day countdown activities, the organizing committee revealed the arrangement and highlights of this festival of animation. This animation festival will be held from April 28th to May 3rd, the "country...