新关注 > 信息聚合 > 猛龙3年1800万续约主帅 凯西今年率队打进东决

猛龙3年1800万续约主帅 凯西今年率队打进东决

Toronto 3 years 18 million to renew the coach Casey led the team into the East will this year

2016-06-03 02:45:35来源: 华体网

北京时间6月3日消息,来自《雅虎体育》著名记者阿德里安-沃纳洛夫斯基的报道称,消息灵通人士透露,猛龙队与主帅德维恩-凯西达成一份为期3年总价值1800万美元的续约合同。 2014年5月,猛龙队与...

Beijing on June 3, from the Yahoo! Sports "famous journalist Adrian voynarovskyi reports, according to informed sources, the Raptors and coach Dwayne Casey reached a for a period of 3 years with a total value of $18 million contract extension. On May 2014, the Raptors and...