新关注 > 信息聚合 > UFC198预测:温盾米欧奇难分伯仲 维托与鳄鱼绞杀

UFC198预测:温盾米欧奇难分伯仲 维托与鳄鱼绞杀

UFC198 Forecast: Temperature Shield Miou Qi Nanfenbozhong Vito crocodile strangling

2016-05-13 16:34:53来源: 新浪

UFC198官方海报 UFC中国讯 UFC198将于北京时间5月15日在巴西库里蒂巴举行,作为一年一度的巴西PPV,本次赛事的阵容非常豪华,头条主赛将是法布雷西欧-温盾 VS 斯蒂普-米欧奇的重量级冠军战,联合主赛则是罗纳尔多-索萨 VS 维托-贝尔福特的中量级巴西内战。(#为选手目...

UFC198 official Chinese news UFC198 Posters UFC Beijing will be held May 15 in Curitiba, Brazil as annual PPV, this event lineup is very luxurious, headlines the main event will be