新关注 > 信息聚合 > 沈阳迎冬奥百万市民上冰雪活动启动


Shenyang Olympics millions of people on the ice and snow activities start Shenyang

2015-12-31 21:48:42来源: 中国新闻网

沈阳迎冬奥百万市民上冰雪活动启动 【解说】“同样的东北冰雪,不一样的盛京盛情”。12月30日晚,2015中国沈阳国际旅游节冬季游暨迎冬奥百万市民上冰雪奥体嘉年华启动仪式,在沈阳奥体中心体育场正式启动...

Olympics million citizens on ice and snow activities start [comment] "as ice and snow of Northeast China, not the same as Shengjing warm. On the evening of December 30, 2015 China Shenyang International Tourism Festival winter tour and the Olympics million people on the Olympic ice Carnival ceremony, in Shenyang Olympic Sports Center Stadium officially launched...