新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《诛仙手游》8月10日公测 肯德基跨界合作出新招

《诛仙手游》8月10日公测 肯德基跨界合作出新招

"Zhu Xian hand tour" August 10 beta new tactics KFC cross-border cooperation

2016-08-02 13:59:05来源: 多玩游戏

继在China Joy大放异彩,以及电影主题曲《时光诛仙》试听版首发,《诛仙手游》随着8月10日公测的日渐临近,近期又出大型跨界合作新招——与肯德基合作主题活动,并联手成立《诛仙手游》主题门店!身处...

Following the China Joy shine, and the movie theme song "Time Zhu Xian" Trial version of the first episode, "Zhu Xian hand travel" With the August 10 beta is approaching, the recent large-scale cross-border cooperation and the new tactics - in cooperation with KFC theme activities, and jointly set up a "Zhu Xian hand travel" theme store! Language ...

标签: 诛仙 手游