新关注 > 信息聚合 > 李小鹏与奥莉游新加坡 范文芳夫妇热情陪客

李小鹏与奥莉游新加坡 范文芳夫妇热情陪客

Li Xiaopeng and Olivia Tour Singapore Fann Wong couple warm peiqia

2015-11-29 15:57:55来源: 广西新闻网

搜狐娱乐讯 近日,李小鹏和女儿奥莉接到“神雕侠侣”范文芳、李铭顺夫妇的邀请前往温情新加坡, 於寒冬乍到之时在这座花园之城开启一次“走新“之旅。据悉,这是李小鹏父女二人的首次新加坡之行。 早在明星夫妇...

the Sohu Entertainment News recently, Li Xiaopeng and daughter Olivia received the invitation of "return of the Condor Heroes" Fann Wong, Christopher Lee and his wife went to Singapore warmth. In a winter suddenly to in this garden city opened a "new" tour. It is reported that this is the first time Li Xiaopeng two people's first trip to singapore. Early in the star couple...

标签: 小鹏