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在二流联赛混的胡尔克 到中超享受梅西C罗的薪水

In the second league hulk to Chinese super enjoy messi cristiano ronaldo's salary

2016-06-30 00:58:13来源: 中国新闻网

最近两年中国资本挥舞着支票簿大肆在世界足坛采购,从阿内尔卡、德罗巴到特谢拉,一个个转会身价和薪水纪录快速地被更新,球员也从已过巅峰变成当打之年,中国资本——对于世界足坛来说已经不是一个小觑的力量了。 当然,即便有阿内尔卡、德罗巴、登巴巴等世界知名球星登陆中超,像梅西、C罗级别的超级巨...

Waving checkbook on the last two years the Chinese capital in world football procurement, from nicolas anelka and didier drogba to teixeira, transfer status and salary record update faster, players from has become when hitting the peak, the Chinese capital - for world football is not a significant force. Of course, even with nicolas anelka and drogba, world famous star in the Chinese super league, such as baba like Lionel messi and cristiano ronaldo level super giant...